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pnpm add cspell -D

也可以在全局安装 cspell ,然后命令行直接使用 cspell 命令对当前工程进行拼写检测


在工程的 package.json 的 scripts 中添加如下内容:

"spell-check": "cspell src/**/*.{vue,js} -e src/assets/font/**",

简要说明:以上命令检测src 目录下所有以 .vue.js 结尾的文件。并排除src/assets/font/目录下的所有文件。详细用法可使用 cspell lint -h 了解用法,以下是这个命令的一些帮助信息:

> cspell lint -h

Usage: cspell lint [options] [globs...] [file://<path> ...] [stdin[://<path>]]

 - [globs...]            Glob Patterns
 - [stdin]               Read from "stdin" assume text file.
 - [stdin://<path>]      Read from "stdin", use <path> for file type and config.
 - [file://<path>]       Check the file at <path>

    cspell .                        Recursively check all files.
    cspell lint .                   The same as "cspell ."
    cspell "*.js"                   Check all .js files in the current directory
    cspell "**/*.js"                Check all .js files recursively
    cspell "src/**/*.js"            Only check .js under src
    cspell "**/*.txt" "**/*.js"     Check both .js and .txt files.
    cspell "**/*.{txt,js,md}"       Check .txt, .js, and .md files.
    cat LICENSE | cspell stdin      Check stdin
    cspell stdin://docs/doc.md      Check stdin as if it was "./docs/doc.md"

Check spelling

  -c, --config <cspell.json>   Configuration file to use.  By default cspell looks for cspell.json in the current directory.
  -v, --verbose                Display more information about the files being checked and the configuration.
  --locale <locale>            Set language locales. i.e. "en,fr" for English and French, or "en-GB" for British English.
  --language-id <language>     Force programming language for unknown extensions. i.e. "php" or "scala"
  --words-only                 Only output the words not found in the dictionaries.
  -u, --unique                 Only output the first instance of a word not found in the dictionaries.
  -e, --exclude <glob>         Exclude files matching the glob pattern. This option can be used multiple times to add multiple globs.
  --file-list <path or stdin>  Specify a list of files to be spell checked. The list is filtered against the glob file patterns. Note: the format   
                               is 1 file path per line.
  --no-issues                  Do not show the spelling errors.
  --no-progress                Turn off progress messages
  --no-summary                 Turn off summary message in console.
  -s, --silent                 Silent mode, suppress error messages.
  --fail-fast                  Exit after first file with an issue or error.
  -r, --root <root folder>     Root directory, defaults to current directory.
  --relative                   Issues are displayed relative to root.
  --show-context               Show the surrounding text around an issue.
  --show-suggestions           Show spelling suggestions.
  --no-show-suggestions        Do not show spelling suggestions or fixes.
  --no-must-find-files         Do not error if no files are found.
  --cache                      Use cache to only check changed files.
  --no-cache                   Do not use cache.
  --cache-reset                Reset the cache file.
  --cache-strategy <strategy>  Strategy to use for detecting changed files. (choices: "metadata", "content")
  --cache-location <path>      Path to the cache file or directory. (default: ".cspellcache")
  --dot                        Include files and directories starting with `.` (period) when matching globs.
  --gitignore                  Ignore files matching glob patterns found in .gitignore files.
  --no-gitignore               Do NOT use .gitignore files.
  --gitignore-root <path>      Prevent searching for .gitignore files past root.
  --validate-directives        Validate in-document CSpell directives.
  --no-validate-directives     Do not validate in-document CSpell directives.
  --no-color                   Turn off color.
  --color                      Force color.
  --no-default-configuration   Do not load the default configuration and dictionaries.
  --debug                      Output information useful for debugging cspell.json files.
  --reporter <module|path>     Specify one or more reporters to use.
  -h, --help                   display help for command

More Examples:

    cspell "**/*.js" --reporter @cspell/cspell-json-reporter
        This will spell check all ".js" files recursively and use

    cspell . --reporter default
        This will force the default reporter to be used overriding
        any reporters defined in the configuration.

    cspell . --reporter ./<path>/reporter.cjs
        Use a custom reporter. See API for details.


Code Spell Checker 插件

可在 VSCode 扩展中 安装名为 Code Spell Checker 插件,安装后会实时检测拼写问题


可在工程根目录添加名为 cspell.json.cspell.jsonspell.config.js 的文件,该文件常用的配置信息如下:

  • version: 配置文件的版本号,当前只有 0.2 这个值。
  • language: 指定在选择通用词典时要使用的语言区域设置. 例如:“language”:“en-GB”告诉cspell使用英国英语而不是美国英语。
  • words: 被认为是正确的单词列表,添加到该列表的单词将忽略拼写错误检测。
  • flagWords: 总是被认为是不正确单词的列表
  • ignoreWords: 要忽略的单词列表(即使它们在flagWords中)
  • ignorePaths: 用于指定要忽略的文件的glob列表。

以下是我们工程用到的 cspell.json 文件示例:

// cSpell Settings, for VSCode Plugin: Code Spell Checker
  // Version of the setting file.  Always 0.2
  "version": "0.2",
  // language - current active spelling language
  "language": "en",
  // 被认为是正确的单词列表
  "words": [
  // 要忽略检测的单词列表
  "ignoreWords": [
  // 总是被认为是不正确单词的列表
  "flagWords": [
  // 忽略iconfont 相关目录的拼写检测
  "ignorePaths": ["src/assets/font/**"]



Disable Checking

/* cSpell:disable */
/* spell-checker: disable */
/* spellchecker: disable */
/* cspell: disable-line */
/* cspell: disable-next-line */

Enable Checking

/* cSpell:enable */
/* spell-checker: enable */
/* spellchecker: enable */


拼写规范前检测,共检测以 .vue.js 结尾的文件 348 个,其中 151 个文件中发现了 663 处拼写规范相关问题:




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